Thursday, July 28, 2022

New Magics

I've been trying out new magics lately and decided to try sigil spells. I've started with a small spell of cleansing. Hopefully it will clear away all the goop from the hauntings.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Diego Meets Guidry

Diego and Guidry are getting to know one another. Diego is worried about losing control while he is in wolf-mode & Guidry knows about losing control. Diego feels like someone else is pulling his strings when he is wolfed-out. I feel bad, but Guidry can relate better than I can due to the fact that when he is banished every morning at dawn.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Fooling Around

Diego was a little reluctant at first when it came time to fool around. After I pulled my pants down, he quickly changed his tune. We messed around in the sauna. He humps like a beast!

Monday, July 25, 2022

New Place

Diego and I moved in together after a few months of dating. We got a new place in Moonwood Mill, Virgon. It’s underground and super cute; very cozy. Unfortunately, our new butler isn't too keen on working for a werewolf. Luckily I used a binding spell to keep him from gossiping to the whole town.


Diego and I went to a club on Aerilon, The Blue Narwhal, I think. It was our second date & we went out dancing. We ran into Hilda Cerberus & Lilith Vatore. Diego introduced himself to my covenmate & the visitor from Virgon. He said that he was new to the colonies and how much he enjoyed it here.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

He's Cute

For the love of Hecate, he's so cute! He likes to eat raw meat, but hey, we all got our flaws, right? Did I mention that he's an animal in the sack? Gods, he's just a - wow!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Diego’s Truth

So it turns out that Diego is in fact a werewolf. He was on a wild hunt late one night and thought that he scared me. He came to apologize and I told him it was no big deal. I then revealed my secret: I'm a witch!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

After the Date

After our first date ended, Diego went back to his place to relax. Meanwhile, I made a quick visit to the Other Realm briefly to do some quick shopping. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Phone Numbers

We exchanged phone numbers. I sense a second date in the future. 

First Date

Diego asked me out on a date. We went to BuenoNaco on Tauron. I had the Space Taco & Diego got the basic hardshell pack. The food was good, but the kiss was better. 

Monday, July 11, 2022

New Arrival

A new man has moved into Moonwood Mill. His name is Diego Hargreeves and he's just the dreamiest guy I've seen in the 12 worlds. He's sending me clear-cut signals that he's interested in me.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Lucifer Leaves

After I checked the spiritual energy of the our new place, I decided to brew a Plentiful Needs potion. Sadly, the potion failed & ended up knocking us both out. Once we both recovered, Lucifer said that he was done & left. I bear him no ill will... we may get back together again someday.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Coven Meeting

Went to a coven meeting where we brewed up a batch of plentiful needs potion. It was nice getting everyone together. It had been awhile since we all had time to come together. We really must do this more often. 

Pink Place

We moved into a new house recently. The exterior looks amazing, but the interior was very spartan. The reason we moved out of the Faery Palace was because it wasn't conducive to my gardening career. I may redecorate the interior later. 

Grocery Shopping

I went out to the market on Aerilon & got some cooking supplies. I even did some haggling and got them at a discount. Yay - go me!

Laura Roslin

I met Laura Roslin in a Dr. Cerberus's bookstore on Gemenon. She and I became fast friends & found out that we have a few things in common: mostly our political stances on key issues. We discussed the state of affairs in the 12 colonies.

Gardening Biz

I've been gardening a lot recently & using spells to help me achieve better results. I registered with the local branch of the Colonial government as a self-employed vendor for my garden harvests. I hope that I can make some income off of it. I may open a gardening shop in the future. For now, however, I plan on selling my wares at flea market days on Caprica.

Book Study

Got back home after obtaining my Glimmerstone and immediately dove into my book. With its knowledge I have been able to unlock the potion of the "Transcendent Charmer." This potion should allow for proper elocution and seduction. Maybe I should try it out on Lucifer at some point.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

New Glimmerstone

Had to travel to the Other Realm the other day. My Glimmerstone was destroyed when the universe went bonkers. I was able to successfully obtain a new one from one of the faculty members. They redecorated the place making the place different. The academy isn't there anymore & in its place is some sort of town hall from a place called Halloweentown. I've heard of that realm before but I've never been; it looks nice. I did manage to do some shopping. I picked up a new spell book. 


Lucifer put up our decorations for Summerween after we moved in. I'm still worried about him though as he is still distant. Even as he put up decorations, he didn't do so with as much joviality as he did last year. He must be tense because of the temporal crack. Maybe this will put him in better spirits. 

Welcoming Committee (part 2)

After the welcoming committee calmed down this bitch invited herself in. She started talking smack to me and I ripped into her big time. I told her to "cram it wherever her species traditionally crams things!" I then went further and really tore into her. She said that I was being a rude host and left. Bitch, don't come into my house and treat me like shit!

Welcoming Committee (part 1)

The Moonwood Mill welcoming committee consisted of one nosy neighbor. She rang our doorbell only to discover that our house was haunted. She ran off but before she got too far, I came out to assure her that she would be okay. 

Faery Palace

So we moved into a new house that I liked in Moonwood Mill. The house was called the Faery Palace. Day 1 saw Lucifer and I performing a seance to determine the spiritual energies of the place. We also called to cancel services for our previous residence on Aerilon. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Moonwood Mill

So transports to Moonwood Mill, Virgon have started up recently. I'm hoping moving to this new place will give us the fresh start that we need for our relationship to get better. The first place that tried was too small. The second place was nice, but it did leave enough room for my gardening. 


Eric Northman came to visit with us for a few days. He says that he is looking for a new place to live in the colonies. He may even setup a branch of Fantasia for the colonists to frequent. I look forward to the arrival of more from Bon Tempe.

New Spector

I was sensing tye spiritual energies of our new place when I discovered something new. I sensed a new spector that I've never encountered before. He's very sweet and very curious and very timid. Something tells me that it'll be awhile before he returns. 

A Crack in Time

There's been a crack in time! I knew that I sensed something was off and that things would change, but I never expected this. Things are different: spells that I used to know have vanished from my memory. People have forgotten me, but I haven't forgotten them. Even Lucifer seems different... grown distant lately... like he's there, but not entirely. He doesn't say anything, but it's there... in his eyes. I won't worry about it, at least not where he can see me. The place we came home to is different... nicer than the one we left behind
 I'm not complaining about that last part.

Batuu (part 2)

We managed to get a quick bite and fool around in the cantina. I gotta say, messing around in public is insanely hot. The rush of adrenaline for nearly being caught is the best high ever! Even Lucifer admits that he enjoyed it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Batuu (part 1)

We went on vacation to Batuu on the outer rim of the galaxy. The trip was two days, one way, to arrive. We stayed for about a week. We danced, explored, & interacted with the locals. All & all, it was an OK experience. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Ambrose Meets Lucifer

Ambrose came by for a visit and got to know Lucifer. Ambrose has been a fan boy of Lucifer most of his life. He's eager to get to know my dark honey.

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...