Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Marcus ditched me to catch up with an old flame. I decided since there was no cake at rhis party that I should conjure one. It was chocolate cake with mint frosting; not my top favorite, but better than nothing. I several other people took slices, but I had the first slice.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Birthday party

Went to a friend's kid's birthday party. I'm not sure what to expect. I ran into Marcus Flex there & it turns out that it was his friend's kid's party. My friend,  Max Shefield, was the one who invited me by the way. 

crazy stories

Lucifer loves hearing my crazy stories. Unlike other guys, he never acts like he's bored with anything I say, no how others might feel. 


While we were at Planet Honey Pop, Lucifer gave me a rose. He's so freaking romantic! I am so gonna marry the crap out of him. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


I asked him if he has ever done anything crazy or kinky. He admitted that he's gone streaking once or twice. I told him that I liked that kind of thing. I love it when the guy I'm with gets naked at the drop of a hat.


We had our photo taken by the complaining paparazzo. I wonder which tabloid it is that our photo will end up in? The Caprican Gazette? The Colonial Tribe? Who knows? Who cares?

Flirt skills

His flirt skills are just so good. I'm so enamored with him. I wanna have his babies! 


I overhead one of the paparazzi complaining about the weather. Although I share the sentiment, I try to avoid engaging with them as much as possible. 

moving indoors

Instead of freezing in the cold, we instead went into the local Planet Honey Pop. Lucifer flirted with me by striking poses & telling me how sexy we were together. I told him that I agreed and that I would be showing him how sexy he is exactly, later. 

Arrival to Romance Festival

We went to the Romance Festival in San Myshuno on Caprica. I recited love poetry to Lucifer telling him about how much he means to me. He said that he loved it & was moved by it. No one had ever read love poetry to him before, despite how sappy it may be. 

He said that the weather was garbage & we should get inside. It was a blizzard after all & he doesn't want me to freeze to death.

Monday, January 11, 2021


By the light of Hecate, he's one sexy man/demon. I love watching him just be himself. 

Indoor flirting

So we went back inside and flirted a whole bunch. I told him that he has my heart & he told me I am a total sweetie. He later told me that I have a great "hotrod." He's going to be getting hard later for that comment. 

snowman festival

Lucifer called me to go to a snowman festival on Gemenon. When we arrived at one of the tourist sites, it had already started snowing lightly. Although we made a snowman, it wasn't long before we decided to go inside. 

Mikey & friends

Some new arrivals have made their presence known in the colonies. I ran into one of them at Pepper's Pub near Foxbury in Britechester, Libran. His name is Mikey Palitano & he works at the pub as a barkeep. He came here with his husband & their friends from New York on Earth. He used to do construction there, but they wanted something different after their neighborhood closed down. Their friends Kimmy & Jacqueline wanted to expand their businesses into the colonies. 

We got to talking & I warned him to beware Riko. He called me a few days later & thanked me for the heads up. She showed up drunk & caused a ton of problems. 


We flirted for a bit after we finished each other off. I told him that we should catch the next transport off world. I said that I had to go back home to study more & he said that he needed a nap anyway. 


Rodrigo caught us fooling around. He was very distraught over this, & ran out after he processed what he saw. Lucifer wouldn't stop pleasuring me so I couldn't chase after him. He's such a devil sometimes!


Lucifer asked to give me head on the public bathroom at Planet Honey-Pop. It was so thrilling to do. I rode his throat so hard he choked. He told me that he loved it. He's such a kinky perv - I fakkin' love it!


Soon after the duet was over, Lucifer asked to kiss me. He doesn't need to ask & I'm not sure why he did, but he did. He's just so thoughtful. 


We got up on stage & sang a duet together. Lucifer is so good at much better than me. He's so talented! 


Lucifer told me that he thinks I'm sexy and that he's into me. I told him that he's a real sweetheart and I love him for who he is. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021


I told him that I think he's a really snazzy dresser - apparently that drove him wild.


I'm just being my romantic - goofy self with him. He loves it when I get like this. In his thousands of years, he has never encountered someone like me before... at least that is what he claims. Whether or not that's true...who knows? Who cares?


Lucifer has started to show a genuine interest in my life by asking me about my studies. Talk about a huge step forward in the relationship. I love him for who he is & all. I don't want him to change just for me. I want him to feel comfortable to be himself. Is that weird? I know he'll always be there when I need him most; still this is a milestone. I won't chastise him for this slight/huge change. 

on my way

Lucifer called me to ask out on a date. After a couple of minutes we reached a decision as to where to go and what to do. 

Ousted again

So I get back from The Other Realm only to find a threesome in progress in my room, while a fourth person is just watching. I decided to use someone else's room to study in. While I was there, Samantha swung by to check on me. 

leaving The Other Realm

So after we finished the potion, I decided to pack up and leave. I have to get back to the mortal realm & get back to my studies.

potion crafting

The academy underwent another makeover sometime ago (forgot to mention that). Anyway, I'm at the academy working on a plentiful needs when it occurs to be that perhaps others would want to get in on the action. I invited Samantha and Morgyn to help me out. They were all too happy to help me & I got to keep the Potion of Plentiful Needs.


Once homework was done, I used the glimmerstone to travel to The Other Realm. I'm tired of being in the dark & luckily there's no problem of that being an issue in The Other Realm. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...