Sunday, May 31, 2020

Getting Physical
So we got super physical one night. It's been too long since we did that. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

New Magics

Other magics that I've learned are: a potion of to restore my vitality and a spell to cause malady.

Bee Spell

Learned this new spell that allows me to conjure bees. 
Update: here it is in action -

Dragon's Cove financial report

Wow! We came out with a small profit from that day. 

Candy Scare

Getting candy from the Halloween Candy Bowl can be quite the jump scare at times. 

Rodrigo does a painting

Rodrigo did a wonderful first painting. I really love the blue motif.

Lighting Bugs

While at the picnic, Rodrigo managed to catch some lightning bugs. 


To make matters worse for Aisha, Rodrigo puts her unti a trance. The only thing that she can do is sway from side-to-side. 

A Forced Kiss

"Quick - makeout with the first person you meet!" (Rodrigo using his powers to make my sworn enemy - Aisha Bernal - fall for the first dumbass she meets).

Awfully Judgy

Well he does need to feed on blood. Awfully judgy of someone who used to worship the living embodiment of all evil in the universe. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Picnic with Zelda

Rodrigo was invited to picnic by Zelda Spellman. He politely had to explain to her that he doesn't eat standard foods.

Performance night
It was performance night at the bar so stuck around to watch some of the performers. At one point even Rodrigo tried to get in on the act. He's such a goof

Karaoke Go go

We went to a bar and sang karaoke together. That was fun. 

Eros Movie

We saw a romantic movie on Eros Day. We made out & fooled around in the theater.

Spooks and fans

We sat and I had a nice dinner while Rodrigo regaled me with a spooky story. Soon after a fan approached and asked for m autograph.

Eros Date

In celebration of Eros Day, we went out to the movie theater.

Eros Day
I gave Rodrigo some more blood fruit packets for Eros Day.

Solid food

Rodrigo has found some solid food that he's able to digest: Blood fruit salad. It's nothing but pure blood fruit. We even found a place that will deliver it.

So out of boredom Rodrigo lit some fireworks and watch the colors light up the night. It was quite entertaining.

Wishes Gone Awry
After doing some nude meditation, Rodrigo decided to try his luck at the wishing well. Sadly, the wishing well was not having it that day and gave him bad luck for 24 hours.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Potions and Marshmallows
I convened the Order of Hecate in order to hang out and brew a potion or two. While worked or magics, Rodrigo went about using one of the old unholy fire pits to roast marshmallows.

Paparazzo again

A paparazzo made their way into our quaint little shop. Rodrigo dispatched her quite effectively. It's ok to use your powers on those who annoy you, yeah?

Magical combat

3 times I've been challenged by other magic users; 3 times I've won. 


I snapped a few photos of the neighborhood late one night when I couldn't sleep. There's this weird altar near some abandoned island... no idea what they're used for. Rumor has it the island is the gravesite of some unholy evil creature, but that remains to be seen. I'll look into it some day. 

Eros Day

Rodrigo snapped photos of the neighborhood after everyone decorated for Eros day. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...