Thursday, June 30, 2022

Eating Incognito

I kept getting recognized as we sat waiting on our food. Luckily, I had just the spell for such an occasion: incognito. I cast the spell and hid my identity. After that, we weren't bothered by fans anymore. 

Placing our order

After a brief waiting period, we finally got to place our order. 


Lucifer took a couple of selfies as the first one didn't turn out well. He's so frakkin cute! 

New Restaurant

We went out to a new restaurant in Brindleton Bay on Picon. It was a seafood restaurant & it was amazing. Turns out Sylvia Fine is a huge fan of Lucifer. She asked for his autograph while we waited for our food. 

Romantic Gift

Lucifer gave me a gift: a spellbook. I thanked him the only way I knew how, later.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Dance and Chat

Someone had setup a dance floor at the Ancient Ruins; tacky, I know, but still fun. We danced and talked the afternoon away. Lily talked about her family and how everyone was getting settled into the Colonies of New Kobol.

Picnic on Aerilon

Lucifer and I went on a picnic to the Ancient Ruins on Aerilon with Lily Munster. I was able to cast a protection spell to keep her from burning up. They were surprised by the fact that I had access to such a spell.

Gardening Club

Lucifer wanted to join a gardening club that met on Caprica. I didn't want him not to get in so I cast a growth spell on his plant to help him get in. He ended up not joining as everyone seemed a bit too snobby.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Outfits to Die for

Lucifer dressed like a total slut bomb. We were invited to this cool beach party, but Lucifer wanted to have some fun teasing me. He put on one of the slutty outfits that I bought him awhile ago. He really knows what turns my crank. We ended up fooling around off to the side. It really was a great party!

Vacation Hare Moon

It was the Hare Moon... we were on vacation and it was the Hare Moon. I whipped up a grand meal to celebrate. Lucifer said he thoroughly enjoyed the meal. 

Random Chats

So we had a few visitors show up at the rental place. Seeing as how Luci was tired and I still had energy to burn, I chatted them up for a bit. We talked about vampires, & other supes as well as music & just random stuff. I wanted to gage people's reaction to the possibility of occults in their midst. We really can't reveal ourselves to the public but that doesn't mean we can’t susi them out.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Love Making

Lucifer and I had multiple pound sessions. We did it in a gazebo, the closet, & the living room. We've been going at like wil animals while on this vacation. 

Broken Sink

The bathroom sink broke at the Air B&B we were staying at. The owner said they'd fix it after we left, but it couldn't wait. I took matters into my own hands instead. I cast the Repairio spell, fixed it, and cleaned up the mess. I'll let the owners figure out how that stuff "fixed itself."

Vacation Spiritual Energy

I worked a rite to check the spiritual energy of the place we were staying. It was a fairly simple rite, but very effective. The energies were calm, but I felt that something wasn't right. There's this holler in the distance that's saying... well I'm not sure what. It's too vague to make out, but it's there.

Pool Party

We went to a pool party on Caprica while on vacation. Lucifer and I had fun and someone died. I bargained with the Grim Reaper to bring her back, but sadly it didn't take. 

Movie Fun

We started the night off watching a sci-fi film. We then transitioned to a gay rom-com before finishing up with hardcore sex. Lucifer is such an animal sometimes and I love that about him. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Stress Removal Salve

It wasn't long until Lucifer became stressed because of some stuff in the underworld. Luckily for him, he had managed to pack a potion that I had made for him. It was a stress removal salve that I had learned from my book on Green Witchcraft. The potion worked magnificently and we continued on with our vacation. 

Gift of Sleep

Lucifer gave me a gift: a potion. It's a potion that replaces sleep. When I drink it, I'll have gotten a full night's rest. I thought that it was very thoughtful of a gift as it means that I will be able to stay awake longer and hang out with him. 

Flames of Hecate

I'm practicing summoning the divine flames of Hecate. We decided to engage in a bonfire with the locals. I used my magic to get things started and set the wooden kindling on fire with the Blue Flames of Hecate. Everyone, except for Lucifer and myself, thought it was a parlor trick. Little do they know the truth! Yes, it was magic but NOT a parlor trick.


My hunky hotty is taking a selfie. Is he just sublime?


I worked a cleaning spell on Lucifer so he could feel fresh; he rewarded me with sex. He's so romantic and impulsive and very, very sexual. 

Dress Code

Another thing that L. had a problem with was how Lucifer dressed. It made him feel insecure to the point of him asking if his outfits were too revealing. I assured him that he was always gorgeous and he could wear whatever he wanted. Sexy man-beasts are allowed to dress themselves in whatever way they want, especially when they dress slutty.

Vacation Assault

So we decided to go to Canceron to celebrate Lucifer's success. While we were on vacation L. Faba decided to pay us a visit. She immediately started taring into Lucifer and how he rules the demonic underworld. He explained that what he did was for the good of humanity; she thought differently.


Lucifer submitted a story to be published in record time. He was so burnt out that he had to vent onto our butler at the time. Luckily the butler didn't mind and enjoyed hearing about Lucifer's days at Lux.

Becoming a Writer

Lucifer has decided to join the writers' career. He practices his craft whenever possible and tries to get gigs when they're available. Right now he's writing a blog about being hot in the Colonies. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Meeting the Sages

So I decided to pay a visit to the sages & see if they'll grant me access to some new spells. Although Morgyn was super friendly, L. Faba was a little less stellar. She mocked me a bit & sent me storming off. L was more than a little harsh, she was outright mean.

Inquiring Minds

Some of the other witches & warlocks have been asking about me. They wanna know more about my life & stuff. I have this feeling, though, that something bad may soon happen. 

Magical Shopping

I went to the vendor stalls in the Other Realm & did some shopping. I picked up a ton of magical supplies while there.

Talking About the Past

Met up with Hilda & Ambrose in the Other Realm after my exorcism on Tauron.  We got to talking about different things. I told them about how I once dated a sports star before I joined the colonies.

Hot Guy Stuff

While I was out & about, Lucifer was at home doing hot guy stuff.

Friday, June 24, 2022

A Stronger Rite

Although I was able to get one spirit to leave, the rest weren't so easy. I had to turn to more drastic actions in order to accomplish my goal. I set out a magic circle and used my most powerful banishing spell that I had access to. Luckily, this rite was strong enough to get rid of them all. I was paid handsomely and as such, word-of-mouth advertising also helped out my business. 

Exorcism on Tauron

I was called to an exorcism on Tauron. The town is called Strangerville, & as unimaginative as the name may be, is very apt. I am trying to talk with this spirit to ascertain what it is the being wants. I'm sorry to say that the creature is very depressed, but at least I'm headed in the right direction. Maybe I can offer it something in exchange for its exodus. 

New Hobby

We decided to leave that ghastly place and settle into a Barbie themed mansion in Windenberg, Aerilon. I've decided to try my hand at fabrication & bought an industrial recycler. I'll see how this hobby goes. 

Cursed Luck Potion

I decided to make a cursed Good Luck potion in the basement of our new digs. The potion came out magnificently and with the intended effects. I plan on using the vials of the potion for people who are just plain bad.

Sensing Energy

After moving into our new place, & before we discovered that it was too big, I conducted a seance. I wanted to check the spiritual energies of the place out. Although the energy was a little "off," it wasn't too bad.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Over protective

Lucifer has taken it upon himself to guard the homestead from prying eyes. Today he drank from a paparazzo posing as a tourist.

Resurrection Potion

So we've moved into a new home. I think that it's a little too basic for me. I spruced it up with some geek decor, but we'll see how well that works out. Meanwhile, I think I need a resurrection potion made. I'm not sure why, but I have a vague sensation that it'll be helpful. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Quick Job

I went out to a new client's place. They contacted the agency about a class two haunting. I came in, worked my magic, & cleansed the place within a matter of hours.

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...