Sunday, October 24, 2021

Wishing Well

While visiting the Desecrated Church on Virgon (Forgotten Hollow), Lucifer decided to mess around with the enchanted well. He made an offering and a wish. It was a simple enough request: good luck. Sadly his wish backfired and the odds seem to be stacked against him. I'll brew a good luck potion to counterbalance some of the effects.

Magical Sigils

Ok, so I discovered this magical book while in the Other Realm. It talks of how to make magical sigils for AOE type spells. I'll still need to do more research into this as well as some experimentation. This magic seems to be promising. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Farmers' Market Tryst

So we get to the farmers' market on Aerilon, and Lucifer loses it. I don't mean he gets upset, so much as I mean he becomes turned on. So we end up having sex on a picnic table. It was amazing! 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

New Place

Lucifer and I have moved into a new mansion. Here we are at the entryway to the place. Sadly, I forgot to snap a photo of the new place.

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...