Friday, September 24, 2021

Anti-Vampire Potion

So I decided to take advantage of some free time and brewed a vampire power resistance potion. With this potion I am able to resist the powers of vampires everywhere! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Seance & Decor

So now that we've moved again (I know, I'm addicted, but we can afford it) I decided to ask Lucifer to do a seance with me. I wanted to get a feel of the spiritual energies of the new place. So far so good! I like the energies, but hate the decor. We'll move again once I find a new place. At least there's enough room this time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

First Exorcism

So recently I joined a paranormal investigator organization. I'm supposed to check their site for clients who need their house exercised of spirits. This is my first gig with this organization. I did really well on my first time out. I got a 5-star review and made a few extra dollars. My abilities to commune with the spirit world and sense energies make me a valuable asset.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Temperance's Arrival

So, the other day this new spirit shows up at our mansion. Her name is Temperance and she is always in a foul mood. I'm communing with spirit guides to figure out what to do with her and how to handle her. Maybe some enchanted candles? I don't know; what do you guys think?

Monday, September 13, 2021

Side of Influencer

So, I'm trying to be an influencer, but only part time. Since people followed my fashion trends back when I was a styler, I figured I'd give this a go. So far it's going really well. I do it in between exorcism gigs. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Random Photo Snaps

We came home from the club, and I decided to relax & decompress for awhile. I pulled out the ol' gaming console & start playing. It was then that I was told that there were a few people snapping photos of our mansion. Normally I'm OK with this sort of stuff, but someone next door to us was robbed recently. I asked them to leave, & told them that if they didn’t, I'd call the police.

Fan Hug

I met a fan while at the Bluest Velvet club on Aquaria. He wanted a hug & I obliged. Unlike Rodrigo, Lucifer didn't have a jealous meltdown. It's kinds refreshing to not have to babysit someone every single time. Still, I did love the make-up sessions; part of me misses his neediness, a little. I guess I like that to some degree.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Samantha Stevens

After I finished my battle with Hilda, I ran into Samantha Stevens. We chatted for a bit about different things like music and whatnot. I invited her to join the Order of Hecate & she accepted. We've been really clicking a lot recently. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Hilda's Challenge

I'm not quite sure why Hilda challenged me to magical combat, but accepted anyway. I won, she lost... but she did almost have me at one point. Her powers are growing stronger. 

Anti-Vampire Power Potion

So oh, I decided to make a potion that will protect me from Vampire powers. I think it'll be effective and I won't end up as someone's mind slave. I'll try to update you guys on how effective it is.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Potion Sickness

So Lucifer drank one of the potions that I made for him (a calming potion) and it backfired spectacularly. Poor fella... he got super sick for a few hours from it. I don't know why that one bottle failed. He's not angry, but he's a little leery of my potions. It'll be awhile before he trusts another potion.


Lucifer has taken up painting as a hobby. He's still learning. I imagine he'll get better. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Sunlight Reversal Potion

So, I decided to help my unholy fiancĂ©e out and made a sunlight reversal potion. After he drinks this potion, the sun won't burn his sexy skin as quickly as it does. This potion should also help me out as well. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021


There was an intruder in our house & I fought back. I cursed him with a fey attack. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021


Lucifer has been crazy passionate for the past several days. Is in heat? Do celestials ever get like this with others? Is this a thing? I'm enjoying it but I don’t want there to be a problem or something. I'll just roll with it, for now. 

Picon Tryst

We took a trip to Picon and found this cute little vendor area. It had loads to offer, but Lucifer was only interested in me. Dude has no chill.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

In the Mood

Lucifer was feeling in the mood and put the moves on me. This, of course, got me going. He's such an animal & I love that about him. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...