Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sensing Energies

So we moved into a new mansion on Aerilon. I decided to check the spiritual energies of the new place. So far, so good

Chance meeting

Lucifer ran into Zelda while out & about. He started talking about me, asking about how well she knows me & other things about me. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Lightning Bug Spell

So I picked up a new spell book from the Other Realm recently. It contained information on how to summon lightning bugs to attack one's enemies. I might hand to try this on a paparazzo one of these days. 

Bad offerings

So ok, turns out our new house is haunted. I love magical & spooky things. Alas, the ghosts aren't too thrilled about some of my offerings. I'll have to try better!

Broken turbines

A few of our wind turbines that powered our new home broke. Luckily our butler was on site to fix the damages and get things shipshape again. I'll have to cast "Upgradios" to prevent that from happening again in the future. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Charming potion

Wow, there are so many new spells to learn. I found this book referencing magical sigils. I'm not sure what they are or how they work, but I'll hunt the tome down later. This book gave me a new potion to try. It's a charm potion, or rather a potion to be more charming. Hmmmm... could come in handy.

Dinner with Morgyn

We went to a restaurant on Sagittaron with Morgyn Ember for dinner. We all had a lovely time & tipped generously.

Strange Things

So we moved into this new house on Aerilon recently. There have been strange things happening a lot in this new place. It's weird that I keep finding things... unusual, strange things. Like I found this creepy doll one night. I went on-line and it turns out that if you kick them, they'll break. I tried it, & it works, so I'm not complaining. I just hope that things don't get worse. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Gifts at a party

Lucifer and I went out to a party in Windenberg, Aerilon. We danced the night away with some of my covenmates and a few of his friends. At one point I have a gift: a potion designed soothe his rage the next time he got too angry. He thought it was sweet and treated me to an enchanted rose that projected his image whenever I touched it. He can be so sweet!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Vampire Daylight Potion

Recently I discovered a new potion for vampires to walk in daylight. Too bad Rodrigo left, he'd have liked it. I don't know who'll use it, but I'm sure someone will. 

Spa Date

We went to a spa for a date & fooled around in the sauna. No one suspected a thing!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Ignorance is disgusting

Ok, at this point I've just given up. People walk by the message that they make literally all the time and do nothing. I am not your maid, you are not paying me to clean, and I am not your mother. Seriously people clean up after yourself!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Revenge by fairies

So it turns out that one of my university dorm mates has been tipping off the paparazzi. She's wanting to up her star quality and popularity via underhanded means. I'm not sure her master plan, but she did it. I overheard her talking to one of the celebrity rags on her phone. To get back at her, I unleaded some fairies upon her. It was so satisfying getting back at her. I just wish she would learn her lesson, but that's not how people work, is it?

Friday, August 20, 2021

Karaoke date

We went out to the karaoke bars on Caprica for a date one afternoon. The date was fun! We made out! We did snow angels! And then the paparazzi came and started bothering us. I used my incognito spell and hexed the photographer. I think he learned his lesson. 
Oh, we also managed to get off a couple of duets. All and all, it was great! 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Clean up

I'm so tired and fed up with having to clean up everyone's messes all the time! I'm not the maid people! If y'all don't start doing some cleaning around here, I swear by the pestilent gods, I'll burn this whole building down!

Endora's challenge

So Endora, mother of my covenmate Samantha, decided to challenge me to a magic fight. Guess who won! Watch the video to see me kick her butt!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Seduction Piano

Lucifer engaged me in one of my fantasies: public nudity. He played the piano for me in the buff and not did it work. We hopped into the shower & went at it like wild rabbits. Plus, he let me top. The smile on his face afterwards was enough for me. His plan worked! He wanted to bottom & he did. I guess we're a switch couple now. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Proposal

The next night, he asked me out again. This time, right after I went to his place, I immediately proposed; he said yes! We went out to dinner on Picon, to a new restaurant called "Tiana's Place" (I think that's the name). It was wonderful and the food was pretty good! We may come back!

Gemenon Date

So we went out to this new bar/bookstore for our date; it's on Gemenon. The place is nice, but I have to cast the disguise spell, Incognito, to prevent people from recognizing me. Luckily, Lucifer doesn't have that problem. He's so sweet! We talked a lot, but didn't buy much of anything. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021


So there I am, studying, right? When this dide comes barging in and starts railing on my roommate for some reason (I forgot why; maybe he was stood up; IDK). I'm all like, "dude, that's enough! I'm trying to study! Whatever beef you have with her, put it in a blog!"

Sheffield's Visit

Maxwell Sheffield decided to visit me from his home on Sagittaron. Apparently, he says that he needs funding for his next play.I said yes and that I'll send the investment ASAP, once I get a chance.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Bitch, why you tryin' to impress my man? He's into me! 


After I joined a secret society on campus, some dude approached me. He tried to bribe me so as to get into the organization. Fat chance! I mind wiped him so he'd forget about not only my attachment to the group, but the group as a whole. He now knows nothing about us.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Date night

Our date went well! I've asked him to move in and he said that he would think about it. I have a very good feeling about him. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...