Monday, February 15, 2021

romantic encounter

Lucifer invited me over for another romantic encounter. He's so sweet! 

magic food

Do you know how amazing it is to eat a hot meal in a warm dorm on a snow day? It's frakkin AWESOME! Especially when you use magic to conjure it yourself. I really loved this chicken burrito. Having access to powerful magics is amazing! 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Back in my dorm

So a few days after Yule (& right before the New Year) my final semester started. I got back my old dorm room, but got a new room mate. One of her friends came for a visit. We talked about everything and I told her that the roommate was going to a New Year’s Eve party. 


My former dormmate wondered how carving Pumpkins related to Yule; it doesn't. I just wanted to practice on my handiness skills.

Yuletide traditions

I went to The Other Realm to give Yule gifts to everyone in my coven. I gave a sleep relieving potion to Samanth; she loved it. I gave potions to everyone else as well.

Yuletide traditions

I went to visit people at the dorm. They asked me about Yuletide traditions. I explained what they were & what they meant.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Yule meal

Made some biscuits, gravy, & turkey for my Yule meal. The food was really good. Lucifer went home to the underworld for the holidays. I'll see him again around the start of the new semester. 

leaving for a party

She said that she had to go to a Yule party after too long.

fan Endora

I ran into Samantha's mom, Endora, riding her bike by my house. She saw me & asked for an autograph as well as a selfie. I never knew that she was a fan of my work. She wouldn't have shown it if she were around other people. 

fast transport

I took my magic mop to the nearest spaceport so as not to be late. The transport was rather fast & as such, I was not late.

Late night study session

After the welcome wagon left, I went back to studying. I went all afternoon and late into the evening. My presentation, however, was the best it could be. I got an A+ on the presentation & all of my classes. 

welcome wagon

The neighbors came by as a welcome wagon to welcome their new neighbor. Turns out it was me & they already knew me. Oh well, we still had fun nonetheless. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

bungled living arrangements

So student housing bungled my housing arrangements & I had to move back to Forgotten Hollow on Virgon. Luckily there was the cutest micro home available for me to purchase. I bought it and moved in immediately. 

emailing my paper

A few days past, & I feel very confident about what I've researched and written. I've decided to go ahead and submit what I've got. The professors are very good at telling students about how well they've done. I'm confident that I'll walk away with amazing grades. 

researching my new term paper

I've started writing a term paper for my second term. I also have to work on a presentation, but that won't take long to complete. 

supply shopping

I had to go supply shopping late one night after going on a date with Lucifer. While I was gone someone snuck into my dorm & stole my workbook and my textbook. Three guesses as to who did it. Then again, do you really need to guess? I'm so gonna get Riko for this! 

Monday, February 8, 2021

offering to Hecate

I woke up earlier than I should have & couldn't get back to sleep. So I decided to make an offering to the Dark Lady, Hecate, for success in my studies. My offering was accepted & so I went to work & was quite productive. 


Back at the dorm, I found this awesome crystal that I've looking for ages. I didn't want to steal it & get in trouble so I used a duplication spell. That spell comes in handy sometimes! I used the last bit of energy I had getting a few of them in my enchanted pockets. 

staying behind

I stayed behind & signed a few autographs as well as do some selfies with some fans. It wasn't long before I too grew tired of everything & returned home. I said my farewells & departed for the campus.

poor fella

I wore that poor guy out after all the humping we did. I felt a little bad, especially after he told me that he was too worn out. He texted me later & thanked me for the fun time. He must've read my mind as he also told me not to feel bad for what I did to him. It was one of the best encounters he's had. 


I told Lucifer that he looked great when we were hanging out at the bar. I told him that I wanted to ride him like a sports car. We did it in the bathroom. I pounded him so hard that he lost control & got sauce everywhere. 


So one of the bot geeks showed up to the local hangout near the universities. Apparently the other student is a rival of hers, and things got quite heated. He started railing on her pretty hard. I turned him into a fruit basket & cursed him with bad luck as penance for his bad attitude. 


Lucifer & I engaged in some hardcore PDA. I freaking love this guy! 

fan after fireworks

I ran into a fan after the firreworks ended. He complimented me on my outfit & I thanked him for it. I even gave him an autograph. 


At one point in the festival, someone set off some fireworks. That was very amusing! I enjoy watching all the bright colors & lights. Call me simple-minded, but sometimes the simplest things can provide the most entertainment. 

spicy food

I got some spicy food from Lorne's booth at the humor festival. The food was pretty good. I shot flames out of my mouth after taking a few bites. I only thought that only happened in cartoons. 

Giving gifts

I bought Lucifer a gift from a nearby vendor. He liked the sparkler I gave him so much that he offered me a rose. I thought it was very sweet of him.


We went to the humor & hijinks festival on Caprica. Lucifer & I joined the pranksters in their shenanigans. 


Class went well and I  was saddled with homework. I was able to make quick work of it. 

Off to class

As I was grilling food when my alarm for class went off. I knew that I had to get to class, so I cast an anti-hunger charm. I just hope someone else was able to finish what I started. I took my magic mop to the nearest space port on Canceron.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

grilling & magic

I did some grilling at the beach party. We weren't celebrating anything in particular... just having fun. I've been told that I'm a decent cook so I was elected to so the grilling. I would have conjured something, but getting amazing tasting food is a cut tricky to master via magic. 

no shells

I went shell hunting on the beach. I wasn't really able to find anything worth keeping; no shells, or other trinkets to behold. Oh well, such is life; Lucifer and I need a vacation at some point. Where to go? I heard of this new resort opening on a moon castle Batuu; could be good


I was invited to a small party on the beach. I rang Lucifer to see if he wanted to come and join me, but alas... he was busy. He had some business in the Realm of Torment and couldn't make it (whatever that meant). He said next time he'll join me. We don't have to do everything together, but I do want him to feel included. 

sleeping in

I slept late the next day after my encounter with the order.


I managed to corner one of these hidden members and got them locked in conversation. We chatted for hours about things before we got tired & left. She seemed super nice in all honesty. 

crashing their meeting

I'm trying to join the Order of Enchantment one again. This time, I'm crashing their meeting place.

spa woo-hoo

So Lucifer wanted to get freaky with me in public (his appetites are ungodly). We decided to woo-hoo in public. The only option we had was the steam room. There was one down in the basement, and as such, we decided to fill around there. 

topics of discussion

Lucifer asked me about my writing skills after I told him that I write as a hobby. I told him how much I've developed in the past few months & he was impressed. He wanted to know if he could have a drawer for storage in my dorm room; I agreed. He just so sweet... how could I ever say no?

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...