Thursday, December 31, 2020

Maurice Mystic

Maurice, Samantha's father, loves cursing mortals,  especially during the Humor & Hijinks Festival. Here he is making one of the mortals cry out in pain as they wet themselves. 


My cousin Samantha Stevens talked with Rodrigo while I hung out with the Spellmans.

Green Arts

Zelda and Hilda sat with me as I drank from the Dark Fountain. We had a lovely discussion about Green Witchcraft. Hilda is quite versed in the Green Arts.

Rodrigo chats

While out at the festival, Rodrigo chatted up Hilda (from the coven) & Tara (from Sunnydale).

fan meeting

Met with a fan & signed an autograph for her. 

another encounter

Another encounter with the paparazzi... this time I decided to let loose. I cussed that jackass out! I told him what I thought of him. I told him that he was better off dead. 

Humor and Hijinks festival

We all went out to the Humor and Hijinks Festival & as always we all joined the Pranksters' side.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

visiting neighbors

Some of our neighbors came over for a visit. I needed something to eat & conjured some shepherd's pie.

Butler's quaters

The only place for me to setup my laptop was in the butler's quarters. He doesn't mind so much & was quite helpful when I tried out joke material on him. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

New butler

So after I got Roy fired for inappropriate behavior, the agency sent over a new butler. Hopefully he won't try to hit on my man. 

Quit my job

I finally called & quit my job. I'm tired of doing the whole fashion thing. I may pick it up in the future, but for now... I'm done! 

Drinking again

Rodrigo has started drinking from townies again. This time he drank from Geoffrey.

Another trend

Created another fashion trend for women of the colonies. 

Cleansing potion

Made a cleansing cream so Rodrigo can clean himself while on the go. We both feel the potion is super helpful. 


Rodrigo is always eager to show me his more physical affections. 

Invasion again

Once again the paparazzi invaded my space while I was using the restroom. After I finished, I cussed the dumbass out. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

cooking up a storm

Rodrigo is cooking up a storm just for me. I think that's very sweet. 

ran into Hilda

We went dancing at Pan Europa Discothéque on Aerilon. I ran into Hilda Spellman. She got a little tipsy & acted funny. Everyone got a good laugh out of her antics.

Stolen Essence

I was up late one evening & feeling super tired. Luckily, Judith was walking by & I was able to steal some of her essence to help keep me going. Don't feel bad for her though, she's a snob. 

Cooling off

After doing it in the coffin (Rodrigo's idea) we went outside so I could cool off. We played in the snow & threw snowballs. 

Men's sleepwear

Another catalog company outsourced to Rodrigo for a men's sleepwear shoot. 


So some a-hole decided to break into our new place the other day. He had no idea as to who or what I am. I scared him off with a few hexes. 

developing science

I'm working on improving my science skills. I'm thinking that I'll get a degree in medicine. I'm getting kinda bored with fashion. I've been at it for a couple of years now. 

Love & Food

After another rousing round of love making, I went downstairs to eat. Fished out leftovers from the fridge. It was good eats! 

Spring shoot

Rodrigo did another shoot but this time it was for the spring catalog. It was for the sleep wear section. 

Date on Aerilon

Rodrigo and I went out on a date to a new bar on Aerilon. The paparazzi just don't know when to quit. 

yelling at the portal

I landed my broom near the portal to home & found Minerva Charm kevetching at the portal. I'm not sure why she was upset with it. I just ignored her as left for home. 

Envenerate Emilia

After fishing for a couple of hours, I started to tire. I hope no one thinks less of me for using the Envenerate spell on Emilia. Are all, she was quite draining for everyone. 

Other Realm fishing

I did some fishing while in The Other Realm. While there, I managed to catch a 12.17kg Tuna fish. I'm not sure what potion that I can use it for, but I'll hang onto it for now. 


I get so annoyed with people who won't shutup about themselves...Emilia Ernest is just such a person. She kept going on & on annoy her outfit & hair.

Mary's fight

Mary challenged me to a magic fight in The Other Realm. I'm not sure how it happened, but I won. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...