Sunday, November 29, 2020

New Academy

Just some indoor closeups of the new Academy of Unseen Arts in The Other Realm.

My fireworks

I set off a firework of my own during the festivities. It was grand! 


As the festival began to wind down, I sent a done to capture the beauty of the fireworks. 

Buffy's hug

Ran into Buffy while at the comedy festival. We chatted for a bit & then hugged before she left. I would have never suspected that she was a hugger. 

Street art

While at a comedy festival on Caprica, I joined in the street art that was being made; Rodrigo also helped out. 

Gas spell

While hanging out at the Academy, I discovered a new spell that will force another person to pass gas. I'm not sure if anyone will notice if & when I do that to another. Does anyone ever notice from the normal activities?

A new client

OK, I'll be the first to admit: I see so many clients that I can't keep track of all their names. I did this lady's wardrobe. I think my choices turned out fabulous. 

Doing our own thing

I went to the Academy of Unseen Arts in the Other Realm while leaving Rodrigo home to check on his university enrollment. 

Sweet Party

 I got invited by Buffy Summers to a sweet party at Windenberg on Aerilon. I got to show off my dance moves & stuff. It was a lot of fun! 

Disguise spell

Learned a disguise spell which may come in handy at some point. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...