Monday, June 22, 2020


Posted an update for all my fans to see.


I learned a new spell while visiting the library on Aerilon. It is called Miamasa and allows me to inflict sickness on someone. This will be great in dealing with paparazzi. 

Library Woohoo
Hey sometimes you gotta just fool around regardless of the situation. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Aerilon Library Fan

We went to the library on Aerilon. While we're were there, I met with another fan. The timing was fine and I felt generous enough to sign an autograph. 

Irate Faba

L. got really irate with that gal for coming after me while I was eating. 

Hotdog fan attack

Girl, can't you see that I'm eating right now? Calm down! I know you're a fan and all, but still... you need to chill. 

Magical Combat party
Darrell Charm decided that it was a good idea to engage in magical combat with me after watching me summon the Dark Flames. 

My Power Grows

I'm finally able to summon the blue flames of the Dark Inferno. My power has come a long way in the past few months. It is truly astounding what all I've accomplished. 


In person networking can be super helpful especially when there's a party involved. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Party Harty
So, we decided to go to a party on Aerilon in the town of Windenberg. I lit a few fireworks... which was so much fun. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Lady, I don't know what your problem is, but you need to let it go! 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Defended Honor

My fiancee later thanked me for defending his honor. He's so sweet! 

Joyce meets Rodrigo

While I was fighting with the Karen, Rodrigo was busy meeting Joyce for the first time. She asked if he was a vampire and he told her the truth.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Karen (part 3) (final part)

Bitch, you literally stink like shit and yet you still mocking me. Some people never learn! 

Karen (part 2)
I tell her how she's being awful and instead of apologising, she just doubles down on her bigotry. Using my powers of persuasion, I get her to drink a vomiting potion. 

Karen (part 1)

This chic was being a big ol' Karen to my fiancee, so I cursed her. NO ONE MAKES MY MAN CRY AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. 

Expressing love
Rodrigo and I express our love in many different places and many different ways. Here we are in our new hot tub. 

Being Romantic and Normal

So we decided to go out on a date to that romantic restaurant on Sagittaron. Diego got us a ...